Thursday, May 2, 2013

Ordinary days....

....are sometimes harder than extraordinary days!  It's actually been just about 2 months since I set on my mission to arrest and reverse the Type 2 diabetes that has been nipping at my heels for the last several years. Two months in, and things continue to go well.

I'm still checking my fasting blood sugar every morning, and it's ranging from 89-116.  I'm trying to figure out what causes it to be higher some random days, and so far haven't really discovered a culprit.  I've had about one day per week where I stick to my food plan (mainly low carb, around 40-60 gms/day) until dinner, and then I have a few things I leave out the rest of the week.  Brown rice, a potato, a small bag of fritos, a small tube of M&M minis...and my blood sugar seems almost better the next morning - below 100 - when I'm sure it will be a higher.  Other times, I'm sooo "good" and on plan that I'm sure the reading will be great, and it's in the low 100s.  Hard to draw a bead on at this time, but overall I'm really doing great.

Also, my weight is coming along nicely.  I'm down 14 pounds plus from my worst weight prior to getting into the ring with my worthy opponent, which is awesome.  I'm within spittin' distance of Onederland for the first time in several years, and Heaven knows I hope it's my last time having to cross that line!  My motivation remains strong overall, although I have moments where I just want to eat.  Usually, these moments do not involve even one molecule of real hunger...rather they seem to be rooted in boredom, feeling squirrely, or just unidentified angst.  These are the hardest times, as they've always been, but with the Type 2 being successfully beaten back by my hard work for now, I am able to tough them out.  Or at least eat something that isn't stupid.

My oldest son is home for awhile now (the one who had the Guillian-Barre Syndrome in January), and we've been playing tennis a bit!  I was an avid player for years but once I started back to work full time when my youngest started 5th grade, I gradually drifted away from tennis to the point where I hadn't picked up a racquet in about 5 years!  It's been awesome, though excrutiatingly humbling, to begin again.  And great exercise, I might, because I chase the balls I hit all over creation.  That burns some calories, let me tell you.  Little by little I'm getting my mojo back with the racquet, and my inner Venus has been awakened.  Who'd'a'thunk??

That's it for now...I've been busy and out of blogging mood, but rest assured I will be here to announce when I cross over into the single century in the weight realm!  Also, I plan to update more often, but life has a way of altering the best of intentions.  In the meantime, it feels good to still be hanging on to this streak!


  1. Leslie, I'm so glad to hear how you are doing, and you are doing great!!! Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Leslie,
    Sounds like you're doing very well! Congrats! When you mentioned the fluctuations in your blood sugar (unexpected lower and higher readings), I have frequently had the same experience. Sometimes on the days when I eat a bit off plan (more sugar), my numbers are better. Go figure...if you have any insight let me know. Also, are you doing Atkins?

    1. Hi Jane - I'm not doing Atkins per se, but what I'm doing is closer to Atkins probably, than to any other plan. I've had very little fruit in 2 months - maybe 1 time? I think that I will enjoy summer fruits, esp. berries and melon, as they come into season. But I just don't like apples enough to bother with them, and definitely no bananas. I'm aware of old disordered tendencies to be rigid and restrict, and I'm trying very hard not to fall into those traps.

      I appreciate your validation about surprising glucose readings! I seems goofy, but since my overall trend is so vastly improved, I'm not sweating it!

  3. Hah, I always consider it a victory when I choose to eat something not that you have the same thought process!

    Very cool that you're playing tennis again - you do sound very mojo-riffic!

  4. Make yourself a list, of safe things to do, when have wandering feelings about food -think of it as a GO TO list. This is not a list of food, instead it is a list of non-shopping, non-addiction transfer things to do. I like a list of quickly accomplished mini projects that will THRILL me to have finished. Clean out a junk drawer. Do 30 minutes of mending. Sort my socks. Scrub out the kitchen garbage can. Make business phone calls. I know some people take a bubble bath. I just feel better if I accomplish something where the end product will really please me.

    Also, I have often said - if we dropped and did 10 push-ups every time we did that wandering pantry/refrigerator thing, we would learn to stay the heck out of the kitchen. Or get really great at push-ups.

    Congrats on your -14. Are your pants feeling a lot better? That is enough that I think you would notice it in your clothes fit.

  5. Anonymous03 May, 2013

    Love your outlook on life and ordinary days. x

  6. Sounds like life is going pretty well right now:)

    1. Hi Karen! So good to hear from you! Things are pretty good now. I know myself and my shenanigans pretty well, so I'm not claiming victory, but definite progress.

  7. Yes, I saw your comment about going with the trend. I am of the opinion that you will not be able to nail down EXACTLY what to eat/do to get an EXACT blood sugar reading. I think about the baby I took care of who had terrible chronic lung disease, and one time she was sleeping and her heart rate was unusually low (bradycardia for a baby) with high oxygen sats. Somebody came by and said "what's wrong?" and I said 'nothing. Just for a little while everything in her body is working well and her heart doesn't have to pump as fast to keep her oxygen level up.' It wasn't anything WE did. Just the body.

    Although, maybe eating the higher sugar/carb stuff does trigger a little extra insulin release temporarily, leading to those lower blood sugars. That doesn't mean to eat high sugar/carb all the time to get low BS readings LOL. You know I'm just talking to myself, Leslie. I had the same conversations with my dad many times.

    I'm so happy to hear from you, that you are doing well and staying strong. Very impressed with your tennis playing!

  8. Anonymous03 May, 2013

    Your BS numbers are awesome Leslie! It's crazy, because I too think I've done everything right, and I'll wake up with a number in the 200s every once in a while. There are so many variables that I could spend years trying to figure it out and never know!

    Hooray for almost onederland! :D

  9. Anonymous06 May, 2013

    Hi! here. Your blog is really awesome. I will keep on visiting your site and I cant wait to see your latest post. Have a nice day..

  10. OMG you are doing so great Leslie! I'm so happy for you!!!

  11. Anonymous14 May, 2013

    Congrats on making the list! You deserve the recognition. Top 100 Most Influential Weight Loss Bloggers of 2013

  12. Anonymous15 May, 2013

    ANother well done from me Leslie coming your way. Keep it up chick xx

