Monday, June 21, 2010

From the Giveaway Slacker


Life since Saturday afternoon has unleashed, all in good ways but chaotic nonetheless, so that I have honestly not been able to tally up names of the Giveaway folks, do drawings of winners and post them.  I was going to have that by Sunday and I was so busy both days that I just couldn't get to it.  Today is another busy one as we're starting a huge renovation at my workplace that is displacing classrooms and yours truly's office, 'mongst others.  Think packing, rearranging and big-ass headache.  Chicago son flies home this evening and I'm his only way to the airport short of a taxi which I'm not paying for!  Hubby is travelling, I'm meeting with someone I sponsor in AA, a therapy appt. right after work, youngest son working odd hours, Fathers' Day feastivities and tons of other stuff!  Also a party on Saturday night.

All this busy-ness is not good for this blogger's eating.  On track today but once again I'm having to spend at least one day undoing the damage after a couple of good days at the end of last week.  This is a dumb way to work a lifestyle of healthy eating toward leanness and fitness.  Can I hear an AMEN...

I will have the results of the giveaway by Wednesday morning at the latest...hopefully by tomorrow.  I'm delighted to say I had a lot of people enter and list several bags they liked, so the tallying will take a little longer than a simple drawing.  I really appreciate your understanding that I'm a Giveaway Slacker!

Have a great Monday, if there is such a thing!!!  A guy in AA (who has sinced passed) used to say "Expect a miracle everyday, and you'll get one."  That's what I'm doing today...if you choose to do the same, let us know if it happens!  You may have to broaden your mind's definition of a miracle, but let 's try it.


  1. Your AA guy was on to something, I think. While we can't control what happens to us, we have a great deal of control over what we allow to take away our "miracles". Great reminder.

    Hey girl, you are giving fabulous stuff away - we'll wait :-) No worries.

  2. Anonymous21 June, 2010

    Don't sweat it, Leslie! Chill out and get to it when you can. :D Have fun; life is good.


  3. What a crazy few days you've been having! Yeah, sometimes life interferes with plans...but you just have to roll with it, and it sounds like you are doing just that.

    And please - you are giving away your beautiful creations...we can hang on a few more days! :)

  4. Welcome back to the real world. It sounds like you had a doozy of a week end. I think it feels good to get back to my real way of living after a weekend like that.

  5. AMEN! I was really struggling with that myself for a while. Time to be more consistent for us both:)

  6. Anonymous21 June, 2010

    I agree - all this being busy from Friday night to Sunday night is too much - I need an extra weekend day!

    Thanks for the info on your daughter - sounds like quite an adventure!

  7. I just got back from my trip and came running over here to see if I won. Now I'm all out of breath and you haven't picked the winners! Oh well, patience is a virtue, right?

    While busyness can be a very good thing at times, it can also be a big PITA too. Especially if it's going on at work and home. Here's to you catching your breath and finding time for the consistency you desire.

  8. Sometimes life just gets in the way! Hope all is well with you. :o)

  9. Ride the wave Miss Leslie! We will be here when things calm down a bit.

  10. Always remember that YOU come first over this blog...we all understand how things get crazy sometimes. And I think I speak for all of 'us', we love you and your blog~~give a way or no give a way :)
    Don't forget to stop and take a breath every now and then too

  11. Wow you have a lot going on! Remember to take it a day at a time.

    Love the saying your AA friend had. I try to see the good in every day and now I can look for a miracle as well.

  12. I thought when I put in my name for the prizes that it did look like it'd be very complex to calculate the winners! Good luck, Leslie!
