Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow, snow, go away - and a great giveaway!

First - for the giveaway info...Head over to Monogram Chick to enter this giveaway for a sharp looking duffel bag that can sport your very own initials, and tell her you were sent by me. You'll see why when you get there! This would be a pretty cool thing to win. You can bet I'm thinking of traveling to warmer climates about now!

On to the %$##@*&%&#-ing snow that is currently piling up over the piles that piled up last Friday and Saturday here in my neck of the snowy woods. Damn! We truly are into historical snow accumulation at this point, as this is first time ever that the Philadelphia region has had 3 major (24+ inches) snowstorms in one little winter. This is turning into the winter of my discontent, which I'm sure phases Father Weather not one bit. But I'm done. All my warm fuzzy wonder over the phenomenon of snow has been beaten out of me. The whole region is closed for business, basically. I sure don't mind a snow day, but the weeks of slowly melting dirty mucky icy mountains in all parking lots and roadsides aren't pleasant to anticipate. And the biggest gym is closed, naturally. After my triumphant first swim Monday, I haven't been able to repeat it. I planned to go yesterday, but had too many things to accomplish after work in order to beat the snowstorm that I ran out of time. Who'd have thought I'd be pining to go BACK into the pool?!

As usual, I'm cooking, reading, watching movies (soon), and reading blogs. How bad can that be? It's quite pleasant, actually. Hubby shoveled the driveway at the crack of dawn - the pavement was evident for about an hour before the snow started piling up again. This is crazy for a Florida girl! I used to dream of what snow would be I'm dreaming of a beach, palm trees, and HOT sunshine...the very things I didn't care a bit about when I grew up in their midst. Perspective is everything. My food has been good this week - not perfect, but very good for me. Hopefully I'll be able to swim again tomorrow.

Stay warm everyone, or if you're hot - get cool. Be comfortable, peaceful and have a mellow day!


  1. We are getting snow too, but thankfully its a dusting. Im from northern Indiana originally so I am WAY over ever having large quantities of snow ever again! Stay warm, enjoy your book and movie (and the hubs) will get back to that pool as soon as it thaws out! :)

  2. All day long, in my mind, I've been planning our next warm vacation. Did I mention I'm sooooo ready for summer?

  3. Tomorrow I am posting a "favorite things" for swimming blog in honor of you. The socks with the flip flops cracked me up and made me do it :) Stay Warm and careful on the slick snow until you do get to the pool again.

  4. lol....all week long I've been wishing I were in Hilton Head, SC camped out on the beach. Got plenty of time (thanks unemployment!) but no money (thanks unemployment!) lol

  5. I hope you get to swim tomorrow. I want to join a swim gym class but no time. Someday I will. We have had more snow this year but not has much as you. Congrats on the good food week. I am going down hill on eating good . But I have been riding my stationary bike 4 miles a day instead of 2 . That is good. Now if I could just stop eating and drinking soda. HELP!!!

  6. Hi Leslie. I'm sure you'll be back in that pool in no time. Have an enjoyable snow day!

    Bearfriend xx

  7. Eeek, I am so glad we are not getting massive amounts of snow here. Here's hoping it stops soon.

  8. By the way, I posted a pic of my adorable socks tonight...thanks again! :)

  9. It's gotta end soon! Hang in there!

  10. You poor thing! Sorry about the weather. It'll be better soon! Thanks for the bag linkage; I definitely mentioned you!

  11. oh crap. I guess I posted late last night and forgot. Doh! LOL

  12. Good luck with this giveaway! :o)
